Saturday, January 9, 2010

Data,Application...Oops,System error!!!

It was a bright sunny morning. A cup of tea, meeting brothers and sisters (read newspaper) in the morning is the best start the "data" can have. What else I can want from life, thought "data". I mean "groups of information that represent the qualitative or quantitative attributes of a variable or set of variable”. Information is power. So, I’m the power. Little did he know how his ego was going to be tarnished?

Was it a bright sunny morning?

"Application"-the silent assassin was climbing up to his abode. I seek no harm to "data”, but I’m going to make use of him. After all, I’m just "a program designed to perform a specific function directly for the user or, in some cases, for another application program”. And I have made "data" famous also. Who was going to look after thousand of data (I should remind you, he is Plural."Datum" is the singular of him.) ,if I haven't made good use of it? I have created so many instances of mine to help in storing, analyzing it. I agree ,"Data Structure" and Algorithms has also stored data and used it respectively in the best possible way, but didn't I used both of them for the benefit of system-kind? Data structures only describe what is to be processed; algorithms specify what processes are to be carried out on the data, whereas I'm both.

I warned you, it was a bright sunny morning.

At one Corner, Someone in the dark was standing and smiling. Suddenly, he came in front of both "data" and "application”. Both "Data" and "application" greeted him. It wasn't fear that made them do that, it was respect, love, cohesiveness. Who was he? He was “System”. “System” -that consists of hardware components that have been carefully chosen so that they work well together and software components or programs that run in the computer. “System” looked at them and told them calmly. We all are family. Let me explain you guys something about System architecture. Then you will realize how we all are important at our place.

Okie Dokie. Both said in unison.

System Architecture is a way to understand the structure and behaviour of a particular system. It helps in designing and managing the IT system and IT needs of an organisation.

There are three types of system architecture. Single tier,Two tier and multi tier

In Single tier system architecture data and application are logically separated from each other.For example: Doc files-The aboriginals. They will have data. MsOffice- One of the aboriginals. It is an application. They both reside in a system i.e age old Desktop or the slim laptops.

Slim Laptop- the beauty, sighed “application”.”System” gave him a meaningful look.

Now, I should go telling you about two tier system.

In a Two tier system, which is client-server architecture, there is a server that stores the data and the clients attached to the server have applications in each individual system. Each client can access the data from the server and client and servers are connected using the TCP/IP protocol. It has an advantage of not placing burden to the server when we have hundreds of users.

We are going someplace-“Data” smiled.

Now the third one-Multi tier system.: In this system application is partitioned, business logic is kept centrally so that changes to business logic can be done at one location and presentation logic is kept locally so that data transfer over network is minimized.

Websites follow this type of architecture. Insecure to an extent but less expensive this system is. It has a web server and all the systems on the network access the data through web browser .It really adds to mobility, and there is no for the specialist software at each client location. But one must have a web connection in order to access the data.

Wow!!! Exclaimed “data” and “application” together.

It’s the cohesiveness that works. We alone can exist but together we are invincible-preached “system”.

All three went for their work. It was a bright sunny morning

1 comment:

asha said...

What is this??
I did not understand anything.Is data the nickname of any of your friends?