Monday, April 21, 2008

Maladies of being a Malcontent

Hi readers,
Here this time i'm in mood of giving some GYAN..if this can be transferred from someone to anyone..I personally believe no one can teach you..everything is inside have to explore yourself .Nevertheless,one can feel a little worthy by giving some GYAN.
So,i'm going to tell you something about word-roots.
I will discuss one root here: MAL
Mal means bad..
Malign: Spraying bad words for you.
Synonyms:Slander/Solacious/Bad Mouth
Malfunction: Bad(mal) functioning
Maladroit: Badly Skillful
synonyms: lousy/inept
Malstorm:Bad Storm/Vortex
Malady:Illness,Something not good,ailment
Maledict:Wish harm upon; invoke evil upon
Malacious:evil...e.g Malacious Intentions

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Damn!! I’m lost.
It’s been a long time since I blogged. I don’t know why, but I really feel like lost….
The other day, I was thinking to blog. The stage was set. Characters ready to portray their roles and willing to show whole gamut of emotion.
Title: Dulhan Banoo main teri
Time: after 40 years…say 2048
Subject: I writing a letter to my wife telling about the beautiful journey we have made.
I started writing.
Hi Biwi,
And, suddenly I was hurricaned by a series of thoughts. All random, having no purpose altogether. I really go blank sometimes.
So, my so-called-dulhan became widow even before her honeymoon. Unfair enough. Then, has life been fair? Someone said that: “Life is like Black guy’s left ass, neither fair nor right”
And I started remembering the blackest guy I have ever seen. Do you infer that I’m racist?
I will remember the whitest guy I have ever seen.
Now, you started talking about Reverse-Racism?
How can we talk about races without being labeled as “Racist”? Will someone explain me that? Do I need to talk about some anthropomorphic statuesque that can follow Newton laws of motion? Looks like, some organic reactions are twisting my neurons in an irregular-symmetric-maze. By the way, check out sites like, It’s really funny.
White people like Barrack Obama .If they don’t; they would be tagged as racist. They will have to wear Adidas-Nike-Gap-Gucci t-shirts written all over it:’’ I am racist because I don’t like Obama”. White people also like t-shirts, so I guess there will be no problem.
Suddenly, I started thinking what Indian youth like? Here is the list:
*Discussing Sachin Tendulkar/Cricket(crazy nation)
*Ekta-K-kapoor-K-soap-operas( kudos to nincompoops)
*Sameera Reddy / John Abraham
*Barista or Café Coffee Day or Mcdonalds (in reverse order)
*Switching Jobs.
*Having (No) girlfriend/Boyfriend.
*Roadies. They all want to be on next Roadies. The coolest thing for dumb
*Infrastructure challenges ( Intellectual feel)
*Going to US of A.
*Telling how they feel about politics…
*Vodka with Pink Floyd (Five-point-someone-mania)
*Pig’s bladder (condoms!!! LOL…).okay that was PJ.
*Last but not least, yours truly…. Whole nation is crazy about me. You don’t believe me .See the number of comments I receive…uffffffff…
Now, you can add a lot many things but I’m lost. So you also get lost.