Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Damn!! I’m lost.
It’s been a long time since I blogged. I don’t know why, but I really feel like lost….
The other day, I was thinking to blog. The stage was set. Characters ready to portray their roles and willing to show whole gamut of emotion.
Title: Dulhan Banoo main teri
Time: after 40 years…say 2048
Subject: I writing a letter to my wife telling about the beautiful journey we have made.
I started writing.
Hi Biwi,
And, suddenly I was hurricaned by a series of thoughts. All random, having no purpose altogether. I really go blank sometimes.
So, my so-called-dulhan became widow even before her honeymoon. Unfair enough. Then, has life been fair? Someone said that: “Life is like Black guy’s left ass, neither fair nor right”
And I started remembering the blackest guy I have ever seen. Do you infer that I’m racist?
I will remember the whitest guy I have ever seen.
Now, you started talking about Reverse-Racism?
How can we talk about races without being labeled as “Racist”? Will someone explain me that? Do I need to talk about some anthropomorphic statuesque that can follow Newton laws of motion? Looks like, some organic reactions are twisting my neurons in an irregular-symmetric-maze. By the way, check out sites like stuffwhitepeoplelike.com, stuffeducatedblackpeoplelike.com. It’s really funny.
White people like Barrack Obama .If they don’t; they would be tagged as racist. They will have to wear Adidas-Nike-Gap-Gucci t-shirts written all over it:’’ I am racist because I don’t like Obama”. White people also like t-shirts, so I guess there will be no problem.
Suddenly, I started thinking what Indian youth like? Here is the list:
*Discussing Sachin Tendulkar/Cricket(crazy nation)
*Ekta-K-kapoor-K-soap-operas( kudos to nincompoops)
*Sameera Reddy / John Abraham
*Barista or Café Coffee Day or Mcdonalds (in reverse order)
*Switching Jobs.
*Having (No) girlfriend/Boyfriend.
*Roadies. They all want to be on next Roadies. The coolest thing for dumb
*Infrastructure challenges ( Intellectual feel)
*Going to US of A.
*Telling how they feel about politics…
*Vodka with Pink Floyd (Five-point-someone-mania)
*Pig’s bladder (condoms!!! LOL…).okay that was PJ.
*Last but not least, yours truly…. Whole nation is crazy about me. You don’t believe me .See the number of comments I receive…uffffffff…
Now, you can add a lot many things but I’m lost. So you also get lost.

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