Monday, April 21, 2008

Maladies of being a Malcontent

Hi readers,
Here this time i'm in mood of giving some GYAN..if this can be transferred from someone to anyone..I personally believe no one can teach you..everything is inside have to explore yourself .Nevertheless,one can feel a little worthy by giving some GYAN.
So,i'm going to tell you something about word-roots.
I will discuss one root here: MAL
Mal means bad..
Malign: Spraying bad words for you.
Synonyms:Slander/Solacious/Bad Mouth
Malfunction: Bad(mal) functioning
Maladroit: Badly Skillful
synonyms: lousy/inept
Malstorm:Bad Storm/Vortex
Malady:Illness,Something not good,ailment
Maledict:Wish harm upon; invoke evil upon
Malacious:evil...e.g Malacious Intentions

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